Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Chicks & Bunny

We had Easter pictures of Aubri taken a few weeks ago, and they turned out darling! She loved on the bunny, but wanted nothing to do with the chicks because they just talked they whole time.  I wish we would have gotten more pictures of her smiling, but she wasn't feeling the best and wanted to play outside, rather than sit inside posing for pictures.


Its apparent that Aubri thinks smiling in pictures is a sign of weakness or something. She will be all smiles and giggles until she is expected to smile on demand. 
We are so excited for Easter coming up in two weeks. I've been buying things for her basket, as well as Austin's. Its hard not to buy her everything. Especially clothes, because she gets to excited and loves them so much! The necklace she is wearing in the pictures was a huge hit! She loves to wear and usually wears it from the moment she wakes up, to the second she goes to sleep. She is exactly how I was when I was little, just a little more overboard and not so tacky. lol

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