Saturday, June 9, 2012

Happy WINDSday

 Looks like a rather blustery day today.   Through the wind gusts and chills, we battled our way on a walk to the park today.  Aubri was bundled up with her hoodie and shades. And of course, we can't forget the bow!  Normally, Aubri despises the wind. She fusses the second the wind touches her face, but I think the sun glasses and hoodie made it more bearable for her.

She didn't make a peep the whole time.  I think the wind literally took her breath away. Or she was just too busy trying to lick the air.  She loved  the swings so much.  We will have to go back again soon, when its warmer and not so windy. By the way, this little girl is an adrenalin junky. The swings were just what the doctor ordered to keep her from having withdrawals. 

If she would have had it her way, she would have gone higher and faster.  Austin and I are just not ready to take it to that level.  Afterall, once you reach a thrill like that, there is no turning back.

Blowing bubbles, while she swings.  She is a multitasker already!

The "Are you done yet? I would like to continue swinging, please." look.

Now, we couldn't leave the park, without taking her down the slide a few times. And yes, we may have enjoyed it just a little more then she did. Maybe this little thrill seeker is a little unsure of heights. Either way, she seemed to enjoy the slide. 

As soon as we started to leave the park, it felt like it dropped five degree's and the wind was going ten miles faster.  So we did what every good parent would do from keeping their  baby from tears, we ran home as fast as could.  And I am proud to say that not one tear was shred.  I was just reminded how old I am, and how much I really need to start running again.  Weights just aren't cutting it! Can't wait for the many more adventures that this summer holds!

1 comment:

  1. She is getting so big and so cute! We need to get together sometime soon! Where are you guys living?
